Forget restrictive diets. Enjoy delicious meals while making progress towards your goals in a balanced and sustainable way.

"I have achieved exceptional results thanks to your coaching"

"Incredible coach, objectives brilliantly exceeded"

"A really positive experience!"

"Results beyond my expectations thanks to unparalleled coaching"

"Success thanks to a great coach"

My professional background and my global approach

I am a 35 year old sports coach, with ten years of enriching experience in the field of health and well-being. My journey is marked by a relentless quest for excellence, attested by international diplomas as a fitness instructor, nutritionist, and naturopath, supplemented by in-depth modules in biomechanics and functional anatomy.

My deep passion lies in the field of health, and I have developed specific specializations in micronutrition and in the preparation of high-level athletes. What sets me apart is my ability to transform the lives of many people facing serious health issues through a holistic approach to food.

Basically, I have come to understand over my years of experience that food restriction is the enemy of long term goals. In my follow-up programs, you will not find any form of drastic limitation. On the contrary, I have perfected the art of creating delicious recipes that align harmoniously with your specific needs. Each meal thus becomes a true pleasure, while firmly maintaining the course towards your health and performance objectives.

My philosophy is clear: the path to achieving your goals should be rewarding and enjoyable. Food plays a central role in this experience, and that's why I strive to design food plans that combine flavor and well-being. My ultimate goal as a coach is to help you realize your best potential by leveraging my expertise and passion for health and wellness.

Voici un aperçu de ce que vous pourriez déguster :

Imaginez un monde de saveurs et de délices qui vous attend lors de votre suivi. Avec plus de 1500 recettes à ma disposition, je suis en mesure de personnaliser chaque repas en fonction de vos envies et de vos objectifs spécifiques. Cela signifie que chaque jour, vous découvrirez de nouvelles recettes délicieuses, conçues pour vous nourrir de manière équilibrée tout en satisfaisant vos papilles.

Questions Fréquentes

Est-ce que vos plans alimentaires personnalisés sont disponibles pour les végétaliens, végétariens et d'autres régimes spécifiques ?

Réponse: Oui, bien évidemment. J'adapte chaque plan en fonction des préférences alimentaires de chaque client.

Question: Prenez-vous en compte les allergies alimentaires dans la création de vos recettes personnalisées ?

Réponse: Absolument. La santé de mes clients est ma priorité, et chaque recette que j'élabore prend en compte leurs allergies alimentaires pour garantir leur sécurité et leur bien-être.

Question: Est-ce que les clients ont la possibilité de soumettre leurs idées de recettes pour les intégrer à leur plan alimentaire ?

Réponse: Oui, bien sûr. En fait, c'est encouragé. Les clients peuvent soumettre leurs idées de recettes, et je les retravaille pour les adapter à leurs objectifs nutritionnels et préférences personnelles.

Question: Comment se passe le suivi après que les clients aient atteint leurs objectifs initiaux ?

Réponse: Une fois le suivi initial terminé et les objectifs atteints, mes clients gardent toujours le contact avec moi. Je les oriente au mieux pour les aider à maintenir leurs résultats à long terme et à rester en bonne santé.

Question : Je ne cuisine pas souvent, est-ce que les recettes sont difficiles Ă  cuisiner ?

Réponse : Non, pas du tout ! Je vais planifier des recettes très simples pour toi, qui peuvent être préparées en seulement 5 à 10 minutes, de manière très simple.

Welcome to my site, where I focus on motivation without food frustration. I am convinced that fully enjoying what I eat is essential to staying focused on my goals and successfully achieving them.

I strongly oppose the idea of ​​having to deprive myself or frustrate myself when it comes to food. My philosophy is that every bite should be a source of pleasure and well-being while helping me achieve my health and fitness goals.

I deeply believe that food should not be a constraint, but a celebration of life. That's why all of my clients take this approach and achieve lasting and rewarding success.

If you want to end food frustration and start loving what you eat while working towards your goals, I invite you to join me. Together, we can help you stay focused on your success and realize it fully. Welcome to a new era of food motivation, centered on pleasure and self-actualization!

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  • Holistic Approach to Health: My follow-ups integrate a holistic approach to health, taking into account not only the physical aspect, but also the mental and emotional aspect. This allows for more complete and long-lasting results.

  • Customization Tailored to Your Needs: Each plan is carefully customized based on your goals, current fitness level, and preferences. You are not following a generic program, but a plan designed especially for you.

  • Balance and Food Pleasure: Unlike restrictive diets, my food plans emphasize balance and pleasure. You can enjoy delicious meals while working towards your health goals.

  • Experience and Expertise: With my ten years of experience in the field of health and well-being, as well as my international diplomas and specializations, you benefit from the expertise of a qualified professional who has already transformed the lives of many people.